Thursday, March 4, 2010

Our New English Theme is "Friendship"

Poetry Task: Find a “Friendship” themed poem
Paste into your theme book and decorate it and include the author and poem’s title
Due date: Monday 1 March

Unprepared Oral: Find out 6 things about your partner. Memorize them and tell the class.
Due date: Monday 1 March

Writing Task: Find out about your friend’s best memory. Retell it in your words. Min 10 sentences. Remember to decorate your page.
Due date: Wednesday 17th March

Oral Task: Share your friend’s memory (only) with the class
Based on your written piece, no more than 10 cue cards, and one word per card.
Bring a picture or object as a media, as well as anything else that may be of interest.
Due date: Wednesday 17th March

Other: REMEMBER it’s ST PATRICK'S DAY on Wednesday 17th March.
Dress all in green and bring a green lunch. Practice saying popular Irish sayings.


  1. I can't wait to hear your friendship orals and learn about your favourite memories. :o)

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